Pozivamo sve roditelje da prijave svoju djecu za pripravu za Prvu svetu pričest i Krizmu. Nazovite naš župni ured ili se prijavite preko naše župne web stranice. Priprava za prvu pričest počinje 10. ožujka u 5.30 navečer. Priprava za Krizmu četvrtak 11. ožujka u 5.30 navečer.
Notice: In agreement with the other priests and nuns working among the Croatian community within the GTA the celebration of the sacraments of first communion and confirmation have been moved to the Fall. We will notify you regarding the specific date as soon as one has been established. Sacramental preparation will take place inside the large hall.
Calling all parents to register their children for first communion and confirmation prep classes. Please call our parish office or visit our parish website. Classes for first communion will start on March 10th at 5:30 PM. Confirmation class starts Thursday March 11th at 5:30PM.
Call: 905-456-3203 (Parish office/župni ured)