Preminuo je naš dugogodišnji aktivni i cijenjeni župljanin, gosp. Ilija Dujmović Kiro. Upućujemo našu iskrenu kršćansku sućut njegovoj supruzi Finki, djeci Peter (Yvonne) i Helen Dujmović (Paul), unucima Ryan, Christopher, Joseph i Jelena, rodbini i prijateljima. Počivao u miru Božjem.
Informacije u svezi sahrane možete naći na poveznici
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our long time parishioner Ilija Dujmović Kiro. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his wife Finka, his children Peter (Yvonne) and Helen Dujmović (Paul), grandchildren Ryan, Christopher, Joseph and Jelena, many family and friends. May he rest in peace Funeral information is on the link above.