- Korizmena ispovijed pripravlja nas na proslavu Velikog tjedna, Uskrsa i svetog uskrsnog vremena.
- Prigodu za svetu ispovijed imate u našoj crkvi svaki dan prije večernje svete mise.
- Ako imate starijih osoba ili bolesnika, nazovite nas, doći ćemo, ispovjediti ih i pripremiti ih za proslavu Uskrsa i uskrsnog vremena.
- Kao i obično u vrijeme Korizme bit će prigoda za ispovijed za sve naše župljane 28. ožujka u šest sati navečer, kad će biti nazočno više hrvatskih svećenika.
- Korizmena ispovijed po našim hrvatskim župama bit će prema sljedećem rasporedu:
Dragi naši župljani, prijatelji i dobročinitelji,
Od srca Vas pozivamo da se uključite u akciju obnove asfalta, paviljona i struje na našem Hrvatskom franjevačkom središtu Kraljice Mira. Kako za novčanu pomoć, isto tako molimo Vas da ovu našu akciju uključite u Vaše molitve. www.gofundme.com/croatian-centre-norval-revitalization-project?pc=em_dn_contacts_r&rcid=r01-167853675036-ff0d5980c00511ed&member=25590683 Register for the 2023 Wedding Anniversary Mass
Our Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King in Hamilton on Sunday April 16, 2023 at 1:30 PM. This is an annual Mass for couples celebrating their 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th or 60th plus Wedding Anniversary! Mass includes a renewal of marriage vows by all participating anniversary couples. Registration forms are attached to a poster sent to Churches several months before the Anniversary Mass; fill in the form and return to the Family Ministry Office. Couples will be able to register online. A formal invitation (including general information and directions) is mailed to the home of the anniversary couple once registration has been received. Each couple will receive a program listing the names of all participants and a small corsage to celebrate the day. Light refreshments follow the Mass, as well as an opportunity to take a picture with Bishop Crosby, so bring your camera! Large numbers of couples register for the Mass, so only those couples married 60 or more years may bring a guest as there will be no remaining seats to accommodate guests. Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 12, 2023 at 2:00 A.M. On Saturday night, clocks are set forward 1 hour (i.e., losing one hour) to “spring forward.”To remember which way to set their clocks, folks often use the expression, “spring forward, fall back.”
Don't be late for Sunday Mass! U nedjelju ujutro, satove pomičemo sa 2 (dva) sata ujutro na 3 (tri) sata. Nemojmo zakasniti na svete mise! Ulaznice možete kupiti na ulazu. Ukoliko želite rezervirati mjesto unaprijed, nazovite Tonya Marinčića.
Hranu i piće također ćete moći kupiti u dvorani našeg Centra. Svi ste nam dobrodošli! |
December 2024