Spring Vigil February 14th to March 25th 8am - 8pm daily
Campaign Announcements:
- New Oakville Campaign Coordinator - Please join me in thanking and praying for Steve Germann, who has volunteered to lead our Prayer Movement as of January 2018. If you have not already been receiving emails from Steve, please ensure you have signed up on the official 40 Days for Life website. If you are still
not receiving emails after doing this, please let me know! **We are looking for volunteers to join the Organizing Team -- please prayerfully consider offering your talents.**
- Vigil Site -
For this Campaign, the Vigil Site will be located at the intersection of Proudfoot Trail and Dundas St W. in Oakville. The registered location is on the North side of Dundas near the traffic lights. Feel free to stand and pray on either side of the lights, on the North side of Dundas
Tuesday March 13th @ 7pm
Mass for Life with Monsignor Murray Kroetsch @ St. Dominic Parish
(2415 Rebecca St., Oakville) *Reception to Follow*
Please join us and bring a friend! See you there!
Thank you for your support for LIFE! God Bless you all, Janet