Danas smo započeli Sveto Trodnevlje - proslavu Velikog Četvrtka, Velikog Petka i Velike Subote koja nas uvodi u Uskrsno Bdijenje i proslavu Uskrsa.
Sutra, na Veliki Petak, sveti obredi bit će slavljeni u našoj crkvi u dva i četiri sata popodne.
Na Veliku Subotu Sveto Uskrsno Bdijenje počinje u osam i trideset navečer, a u nedjelju na Uskrs svete mise slavimo u 9 i 11 sati na hrvatskom i u 12:30 popodne na engleskom jeziku.
Danas, 1. travnja, civilne vlasti su odredile da od subote ujutro u našim crkvama može biti ispunjeno samo petnaest posto kapaciteta prostorije. Za slavlje svetih misa mi ćemo imati na raspolaganju crkvu, prostor male dvorane i prostor ispred crkve, jer tamo imamo ozvučenje.
Računajte s time da trebate doći ranije na svete obrede i svete mise kako biste mogli pronaći mjesto za vrijeme obreda.
Želimo vam blagoslovljne ove svete dane, Uskrs i uskrsno vrijeme!
Uz iskreni pozdrav,
fra Marko Puljić i fra Robert Kavelj
Dear parishioners, friends and benefactors,
This is the Holy Triduum - Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday which leads us into the celebration of Easter.
Tomorrow, on Good Friday, the liturgy in Croatian will be at 2pm and 4pm; on Easter Vigil at 8:30pm in Croatian, on Easter at 9am and 11am in Croatian, and at 12:30pm in English.
We are still in the frame of 30% church and additional small hall capacity, however starting Saturday morning we will move to 15% capacity. If needed and if the weather will be cooperating, the area in front of the church will be available as well since we have the outdoor speakers there.
Please come earlier to church these days.
We wish you God's blessing during these holy days, happy and joyous Easter and the Easter season!
Yours in Christ,
Fra Marko Puljić and fra Robert Kavelj