Dragi roditelji, Već je stiglo vrijeme da se upiše djecu za vje- ronauk za iduću godinu. Vjeronauk započinjemo 8. prosinca za prvu pričest, a 9. prosinca za krizmanike. Za prvopričesnike vjeronauk će biti svake srijede u 5:30PM a za krizmanike četvrtkom u 5:30PM, u velikoj dvorani. Molimo vas da se prijavite na naš župnoj web stranici www.norvalqueenofpeace.com/sakramenti---sacraments.html te pod tabom „sakramenti-sacraments“ ispunite prijavnicu. Prva pričest bit će u nedjelju, 1. svibnja 2022. u 11 sati. Krizma će biti u subotu, 26. veljače, 2022. u 2 sata popodne. Biskup će biti preuzvišeni Ivan Štironja, biskup kotorski. | Dear parents, The time has already come to register your children for the sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation. We are starting classes on the 8th of December for First Communion and the 9th of December for Confirmation. Classes will be held Wednesday (First Communion) and Thursday (Confirmation) at 5:30PM in our large hall. In order to register visit our website www.norvalqueenofpeace.com/sakramenti---sacraments.html and under the „sacraments“ tab you will find a form to fill out. First communion will take place on Sunday May 1st 2022. The date of Confirmation will be February 26th 2022. Confirmation will be presided by the The Most Rev. Ivan Štironja, Bishop of Kotor. |