Effective Friday, June 11th, we will move to Step One of the Provincial Reopening Plan. This means that our churches are permitted to open at 15% capacity for Masses beginning on the weekend of June 12-13, 2021.
Starting Friday, June 11th, we will have Holy Mass at the church at 15% capacity and no registration is required. Please fill out our COVID form prior to entering the church.
We will be celebrating Holy Mass for St. Anthony feast on Sunday June 13th at 12:00 noon. Mass will be celebrated under the pavilion and everyone is welcome as long as we are able to maintain the 2 meter distance and wearing masks.
It is expected that churches will be permitted to move to Step Two approximately 21 days later to accommodate 25% capacity.
Dragi župljani, prijatelji i dobročinitelji!
U ovu nedjelju 13. lipnja 2021. imati ćemo proslavu Svetog Ante i Svetu misu pod paviljonom u 12 sati u podne. Molimo Vas da, koliko je to god moguće, držite 2 metra razmak tijekom mise te noseći maske. Svi ste nam dobro došli!
Već u ovaj petak. 11. lipnja imati ćemo prvu Sv. misu s narodom sa 15% kapaciteta. Molimo Vas ispunite COVID formu prije ulaska u crkvu. Registracija nije potrebna, svi koji ne budu mogli ući, moći će slušati misu vani.
Očekujemo da bismo tri tjedna kasnije, ulaskom u Drugi Korak otvaranja, mogli slaviti Sv. misu sa 25% kapaciteta.