Primili smo dopis bishops_letter2021.pdf od našeg hamiltonskog biskupa Crosby, a tiče se prava na priziv savjesti kanadskih liječnika i medicinskog osoblja. U današnje doba postaje sve teže i teže katoličkim liječnicima i medicinskom osoblju prakticirati njihovu profesiju jer su primorani sudjelovati u nekom obliku pri pomaganju u prijevremenom svršetku života njihovih pacijenata. Ljudsko dostojanstvo je u pitanju i ovo je izuzetno bitan povijesni trenutak za sve nas. Možemo i trebamo pomoći tako što ćemo kontaktirati MPP, svatko u području u kojem živi i tako možemo utjecati na konačnu odluku koja bi trebala i morala glasiti da liječnici i med. osoblje imaju pravo na priziv savjesti kod upućivanja osoba za MAID (medical assistance in dying). Gotove materijale možete preuzeti sa ove poveznice. Social Media - Google Drive Na ovoj poveznici možete pronaći više te direktno poslati email za Ontario government. Više informacija na poveznici biskupije. ( | On behalf of Bishop Crosby, please find attached an important letter bishops_letter2021.pdf It is becoming increasingly difficult for Catholic physicians, nurses and pharmacists in Ontario to practice their professions because regulators require some form of participation in ending the lives of their patients. It is time for us to support their need for protection. The human dignity of each person is at stake and we are called to stand for the vulnerable. You can find out more at the following link: If people contact their MPP’s to show support for legislation to protect healthcare workers, they will indeed move forward with legislation. We can influence this decision. For those of you who use social media you can access ready to go material at the following link: Social Media - Google Drive This is a very specific campaign directed at conscience protection for health care workers, so please focus only on this issue at this time. You can act by writing or calling your local MPP and letting them know that you support legislation that would defend the rights of all healthcare workers to adhere to their own conscience when it comes to referrals for MAID. There is also a link on the Diocesan website containing this information ( |
August 2024