Dragi zupljani, prijatelji i dobrocinitelji, Nadam se da se svi uspijevate nekako snaci u ovim neocekivanim uvjetima. Iako ne mozemo skupa sudjelovati u svetoj misi, molitvama i obredima u nasoj crkvi, ipak smo povezani u molitvama. Nadam se da vam tekstovi koje vam saljem za nedjelje dobro dodju u osobnoj i zajednickoj molitvi. Ja slavim svetu misu i korizmene poboznosti u nasoj crkvi svaki dan te ukljucim sve vas i vase nakane. Jasno mi je da je ovo vrijeme velike gospodarske nestabilnosti kad mnogi ostaju bez posla, a time i novcanih prihoda. Zato ne cemo za sada slati nikakvo pismo, koje smo obicno slali u ova vrijeme kad se pripremamo za·proljetni banket. Ali buduci da me neki zupljani nazivaju i pitaju kako mogu darovati svoj nedjeljni novcani dar ili dar za otplatu crkvenog duga (mortgage), zato vam zelim predloziti kako se to moze uciniti, te tako pomoci nasu zupnu zajednicu. Ova pismo saljem vama cije e-mail adrese posjeduje zupni ured. Unaprijed se ispricavam aka osjecate da ova poruka dolazi na pogrjesnu adresu iii vam se ne svidja njezin sadrzaj. Ali ako vam se svidja, zamolio bih vas da je proslijedite do svojih prijatelja i poznanika koji pomazu nasu zupu, a nemamo njihov e-mail. Buduci da se u nase vrijeme veliki broj pucanstva sluzi s ,,online banking",neki su me od vas potaknuli da vam predlozim slanje novca putem e-maila (email money transfer - eTransfers). To je jednostavan i ucinkovit nacin slanja novcanih darova. Nasa e-mail adresa je [email protected] U svojoj poruci mozete naznaciti je Ii vas dar nedjeljna milostinja (Sunday Collection) ili za otplatu duga - Mortgage - debt repayment. Svjestan sam ozbiljnosti gospodarske situacije u kojoj se nalazimo i nepredvidivosti sto nas jos ceka, zato vas posve razumijem aka niste u stanju za sada pomagati nasu crkvu, ali istovremeno najsrdacnije zahvaljujem svima koji ce poslati svoj dar. Neka vas blagoslovi Gospodin i neka vas cuva. Neka vas licem svojim obasja, milostiv neka vam bude. Neka pogled svoj svrati na vas i podari vam mir! U ime zupnog vijeca fra Marko Puljic, OFM - zupnik 9118 Winston Churchill Blvd., Norval, ON LOP 1KO, Canada • Phone: 905-456-3203 • Fax: 905-450-8771 e-mail: [email protected] | Norval, 30 ozujka - 30 March 2020 Dear Parishioners, Friends and Benefactors: I sincerely hope you are managing well and coping as best you can, in these astonishing and unforeseen circumstances we all find ourselves in. Although we are not able to cele brate Holy Mass, or participate in other church activities within our church building, we are nevertheless connected in prayer. I trust that the texts I send to you on Sundays are helpful for your personal and mutual prayer . I celebrate Holy Mass and Lenten devotions in our church every day and include all of you and your intentions each and every time. I am well aware that this is a time of great economic instability and that as a result many may find themselves unemployed and thus without income and their livelihood. Keeping this unfortunate reality at top of mind I have decided to postpone the dispatch of spring mailing which we usually send out at this time with the invitation to the Spring banquet. Given that some parishioners have called and asked me how they can contribute their Sunday offering or make a donation towards repayment of our mortgage, I was persuaded to issue a general instruction or suggest an option for the continued support of our church. Namely, I am sending this blanket mailing to any members whose email address we have on file in our office database. I am stating my regret, therefore, in advance if you are not the intended recipient of this email, if it was sent to you in error or if you find this content presumptuous. At the same time I ask that you share this email with friends and families who are our parishioners or benefactors for whom we most likely do not have any email contact information on record. Being that the vast majority of the population utilizes their financial institutions online banking, it was brought to my attention that email money transfers (eTransfers) would be a convenient and effective method of making your much needed contributions. Our email address is [email protected] You can indicate in. the message section of your etransfer whether your donation is for the Sunday collection or for Mortgage - debt repayment. I am deeply aware of the gravity of the economic situation we are faced with and the uncertainty that awaits us, and I am cognizant of the difficulty and heartily empathize if you are not able to help our church for the time being. Subsequently, I am most grateful, appreciative and thank everyone who will send their gift in the interim. May the Lord bless you and keep you, may He make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; May the Lord turnhis face to you and grant you peace. On behalf of the Parish Council, fra Marko Puljic, OFM - zupnik |
November 2024