The week recognizes the inspiring work of Catholic health care organizations in our Province and across Canada. At the heart of Catholic health care is a deep respect for the intrinsic value and dignity of every human being and an unwavering commitment to serving all people, from all backgrounds and faiths – especially society’s most vulnerable. The COVID-19 pandemic has called us to reflect on the importance of human connection, quality of life, and the meaning of well-being – body, mind and spirit. We give thanks for the courageous gift of Catholic health care during these challenging times – in hospitals, community health centres, and senior care centres. For more information visit the website of the Catholic Health Alliance of Canada.
On Sunday, October 4th , you are invited to gather at various locations across the Diocese from 2:30-3:30 p.m. It is a time of silent prayer to end abortion. With COVID-19 protocols in place, all groups will adhere to strict safety measures, including physical distancing, use of hand sanitizers and the wearing of a personal mask. Check with your local pro-life organization for details in your area!
THE DIOCESE OF HAMILTON WILL HOLD ONE SPECIAL COLLECTION on October 16th -17th to support the many good works whose special collections were missed during the pandemic shutdown or would have been held this autumn. The funds collected will be distributed to the organizations according to the percentage of the special collections from 2019. Envelopes will be made available to parishioners at all Masses on Thanksgiving weekend. The charities that will be supported are: Development and Peace (Share Lent); Holy Land (Good Friday); Papal Charities; Needs of the Canadian Church; World Mission Collection; Cura Pastorum (care of retired Priests). Please be especially generous.
ODLUKOM NAŠEG HAMILTONSKOG BISKUPA, U CIJELOJ BISKUPIJI bit će pokupljena jedna posebna milostinja tijekom vikenda 16. i 17. listopada ove godine. Ta milostinja će nadomjestiti sve one posebne milostinje koje je trebalo pokupiti tijekom ove godine, ali virusna pandemija je sve poremetila. Tijekom vikenda kad se slavi Dan zahvale (Thanksgiving weekend) moći ćete uzeti omotnice nakon svetih misa i u njima donijeti svoj dar 16. ili 17. listopada.
Sav prihod od te milostinje bit će poslan sljedećim dobrotvornim udrugama i zajednicama: Development and Peace (Share Lent); Holy Land (Good Friday); Papal Charities; Needs of the Canadian Church; World Mission Collection; Cura Pastorum (care of retired Priests).