Zima je malo uranila i na trenutak zaustavila radove na postavljanju metalnog krova na našoj crkvi. Radove izvodi London Eco-Metal Manufacturing Inc. Ravni krov će postaviti Black and White Commercial Roofing, kad se završi postavljanje metalnog krova. Ukupni troškovi, skupa za metalni i ravni krov, iznosit će $206,758.00. Naša hamiltonska biskupija je odobrila ovu odluku.
Da bismo završili ovaj važni pothvat, potrebna nam je vaša novčana pomoć! Na banketu, te nedjeljom i u poštanskim pošiljkama do sada smo primili novčanih darova $207,100.00. Ostvarili smo cilj. Hvala vam za dosadašnje darove. Ostali darovi koje ćemo primiti ići za otplatu duga bankama. Svoj novčani dar možete predati Miroslavu Marinčiću nedjeljom nakon svetih misa ili poslati ček poštom. Bit ćemo vam zahvalni za svaki dar.
London Eco-Metal Manufacturing Inc. has already started with the installation of the metal roof on our church. The early winter arrival has stopped their progress for a moment. The flat roof will be installed Black and White Commercial Roofing as soon as the installation of the metal
roof is finished. The total cost was estimated at $206,758.00. In order to complete this important project we need your financial help. Up to now, we have received at the banquet, on Sundays and in mail $207,100.00. We have reached our goal! All future donations will be used for the repayment of the church mortgage. You may entrust your donation to Miroslav Marinčić on Sundays after Mass or send it to us by mail. Your donation will be very much appreciated.