- The Council for the Town of Halton Hills passed a ByLaw (Number 2020-0037) requiring the wearing of a face mask or shield in all public places in the town, including places of public worship. This law came into force and effect on July 16, 2020.
- Therefore, it is required that masks or face coverings be worn during Mass and other events in our church (Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals…). Persons who contravene this By-Law are liable to fines.
- “Pastors are not required to enforce the law, but are required to inform their parishioners of the law and encourage compliance, recognising that there may be some exceptions due to health related issues” (Memorandum, Diocese of Hamilton, 9/7/2020).
- The Priest and the Lector (Organist/Cantor) do not need to wear a face covering when exercising their ministry in the sanctuary, with the required distance from the assembly.
- The Priest and the Eucharistic Minister wear a face covering when distributing Communion.
- Parishioners area to obtain their own masks. Parish should have masks available if needed.
- The previously published rules must be observed:
* Only one lector will proclaim the readings before the Gospel, and the petitions.
* There will be no collection and presentation of bread and wine at the usual time. You will be invited to deposit your offering in the basket/receptacle as you leave the church.
* Before Communion, following the prayer (Lord, I am not worthy…) the Priest will say once: The Body of Christ. All will respond together: Amen. Communion will be received in silence.
* Communion can be received only in the hand at this time.
* No printed bulletins will be available.
* You are asked to refrain from socializing with others following Mass.
* At this time, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated in the Sacristy.
* Funerals celebrated in churches are limited to 50 people.
* Weddings and Baptisms are not celebrated during Mass.
* The celebration of the First Holy Communion will be celebrated when conditions are ready for a regular participation of the church congregation, hopefully some time in Autumn. The date will be announced for the preparation class to resume and for the celebration of the Sacrament