Voditelj programa bit će Ante Skoko.
Program uključuje razne aktivnosti vjerskog sadržaja, zato su Anti potrebni dobrovoljci koji će mu pomoći u ostvarenju programa.
Mi, vaši svećenici, potičemo sve vas koji biste mogli pomoći u ovom programu da se informirate o programu kod Ante i o načinu kako biste mogli pomoći.
Our parish will be launching next month a new Teen Ministry, called Life Teen for our youth.
This is an opportunity for our young people to learn about the beauty, truth, and mission of the Catholic Church in an increasingly relativistic world. Our society is telling our young people to do whatever they feel, and this teen ministry exists to encourage our young people to think and act in a way that is life giving, promoting true sacrificial love, and encouraging them to be the men and women they were created to be.
Our parishioner, Ante Skoko, will be leading this ministry. In order to make this happen, he
requires adult volunteers from our community to make this sustainable and successful.
We, your priests, ask that you please pray about becoming a volunteer in the ministry. Maybe you have an interest in Church History, Prayer, the Sacramental Life, Societal Issues, Sports, and educating young people, or maybe you would like to come help with snacks and organization. Each one of you have gifts that will make this ministry succeed.
If you are willing to commit to being a CORE team member, please register with Ante at the
sign-up table after Mass.