Prijevod teksta Dekreta, koji je naš hamiltonski biskup preuzvišeni Douglas Crosby uputio župnicima u hamiltonskoj biskupiji (preveo fra Marko Puljić) DEKRET Veliki tjedan i proslava Pashalnog Trodnevlja 2020. (Veliki četvrtak, Veliki petak, i Uskrsno bdijenje) Nakon što sam proučio Dekret: U vremenu Covid-19, koji je po nalogu Pape Franje objavio Ured Kongregacije za božansko bogoslužje i disciplinu sakramenata (Prot. N. 153/20), ja, Douglas Crosby, OMI, ovim određujem da se poštuju sljedeće odredbe kroz Veliki tjedan i Sveto trodnevlje (Veliki četvrtak, Veliki petak i Uskrsno bdijenje - fra M.P.) 2020. u hamiltonskoj biskupiji. 1. Sv. misu posvete ulja slavit će biskup s članovima biskupijskog vijeća 24. ožujka 2020. u katedralnoj bazilici Krista Kralja. Sveta ulja bit će predana dekanima da se kasnije podijele u župama. 2. Javna proslava Nedjelje Cvjetnice nije dozvoljena. Za vrijeme privatne sv. mise župnici mogu blagosloviti palmine grančice i ponuditi ih župljanima kasnije, u vrijeme kada zdravstvene službe dadnu odobrenje za javna okupljanja. 3. Neka se ne slavi Sveto Trodnevlje u župnim crkvama. Nije moguće slaviti razne obrede, koji zahtijevaju prikladan broj službenika, imajući u vidu ograničenja koja su na snazi od provincije Ontario. 4. Od ove zabrane proslave Svetoga Trodnevlja izuzete su jedino samostanske redovničke zajednice koje imaju kapelana u svojoj rezidenciji. 5. Svećenicima je dozvoljeno privatno slaviti sv. misu Gospodnje večere (na Veliki Četvrtak, fra M.P.). Sveta Stolica dodjeljuje slavlje ove svete mise svim svećenicima u izvanrednim prigodama. Obred pranja nogu se izostavlja. Isto tako, procesija s Presvetim Oltarskim Sakramentom se izostavlja. Svećenici, koji ne mogu slaviti sv. misu, umjesto toga neka mole Večernju molitvu od dana. 6. Neka se ne slave Obredi Muke Isusove na Veliki petak. Umjesto toga, potičem svećenike da čitaju Muku Gospodnju i mole Sveopće molitve liturgije toga dana, te da uključe u molitve sve čiji su životi pogođeni COVID-19 pandemijom. 7. Neka se ne slavi Uskrsno Bdijenje ni u jednoj župi u Biskupiji. Neka svećenici mole Službu Riječi od Uskrsne nedjelje. Sakrament Kršćanske inicijacije i primanje kandidata u puno zajedništvo neka se odgodi za neko kasnije vrijeme. 8. Na dan Uskrsa, neka svećenici slave svetu misu bez nazočnosti vjernika. Za vrijeme svete mise neka upale uskrsnu svijeću i blagoslove vodu, služeći se formulom na stranici 358 (br. 54) Rimskoga misala. U Hamiltonu, Ontario, 23. dana mjeseca ožujka 2020. S poštovanjem, u Kristu i Bezgrješnoj Djevici Mariji, +Douglas Crosby, OMI (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton Murray J. Kroetsch Very Rev. Msgr. Murray Kroetsch, VG, PH Chancellor | DECREE Holy Week and the Celebration of the Paschal Triduum 2020 Having reviewed the Decree: In Time of COVID-19, issued by mandate of Pope Francis and published by the Offices of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (Prot. N. 153/20) on March 19, 2020, I, Douglas Crosby, OMI, hereby decree the following to be observed during Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum 2020 in the Diocese of Hamilton. 1. The Chrism Mass will be celebrated privately at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King by the Bishop and members of the Episcopal Board on March 24, 2020. The oils will be delivered to the Deans to be distributed to Parishes at a later date. 2. The public celebration of Palm Sunday is not permitted. During the private celebration of Mass, Pastors may bless the palms and make them available at a later date when health authorities permit public gatherings. 3. The celebration of the Sacred Triduum is not to be celebrated in Parish churches. It is not possible to celebrate the various rites, which require a suitable number of ministers, given the limitations currently in force in the Province of Ontario. 4. The only exceptions to the prohibition against celebrating the Sacred Triduum are cloistered religious communities in the Diocese and convents with a resident chaplain, providing that social distancing is observed. 5. Priests are permitted to celebrate privately the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday. The faculty to celebrate this Mass without the people is granted in an exceptional manner by the Holy See to all Priests. The washing of the feet, which is already optional, is omitted. Likewise, the procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the place of repose is omitted. The Blessed Sacrament is to be kept in the tabernacle. Priests who are unable to celebrate Mass should instead pray Vespers of the day. 6. The Celebration of the Passion on Good Friday is not to be celebrated. Instead, Priests are encouraged to read the Passion of the Lord and pray the Universal Prayer from the liturgy of the day, and include prayers for all whose lives are being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 7. The Easter Vigil is not to be celebrated in any Parish in the Diocese. Priests are to pray the Office of Readings for Easter Sunday. The Sacraments of Christian Initiation and the reception of candidates for Full Communion are to be postponed until a later date. 8. On Easter Sunday, Priests are to celebrate Mass, without the presence of the faithful. During the Mass, they are to light the Paschal Candle and bless water using the formula on page 358 (no. 54) in the Roman Missal. Given at Hamilton, Ontario, this 23rd day of March, 2020. Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, +Douglas Crosby, OMI (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton Murray J. Kroetsch Very Rev. Msgr. Murray Kroetsch, VG, PH Chancellor |
December 2024