Prema sadašnjem planu, od onoga što se prikupi u svakoj župi bit će ostavljeno sedamdeset i pet posto župi za vlastite projekte i planove, a dvadeset i pet posto za biskupijske programe.
Budući da se još radi na usuglašavanju planova, biskup želi čuti mišljenje, prijedloge i poticaje vjernika iz župa. Biskup je tražio da svaka župa dadne barem deset imena iz župe s kojima će surađivati predstavnici biskupije. Iz naše zajednice vjernika Kraljice Mira poslali smo deset imena i biskupijski predstavnici će s njima stupiti u vezu.
Svoje mišljenje, prijedloge i poticaje možete uputiti u ured naše biskupije ako pođete na biskupijsku web-stranicu hamiltondiocese, com/campaign
His Excellency Bishop Crosby recently announced a planning study, which is now under way, to help the Diocese evaluate the merits of a Diocesan capital campaign. This campaign will involve each of our Parishes.
The proposed goals focus centrally on Parish life, but will also help enhance several Diocesan ministries important to parishioners.
The Diocese wants to hear from as many parishioners as possible as they evaluate their proposed campaign plan. Your feedback will be critical to the success of this effort.
The Diocese-wide planning study is off to a great start - thanks to all those who have participated! In the first few weeks, an incredible number of surveys have been completed. However - we also want to hear from YOU.
If you have not filled out a survey and want to share your thoughts, visit to learn more about the proposed campaign goals (Individual parish needs 75%, Diocesan programs 25%), complete the survey and provide your comments.
The online survey closes on Monday, July 9 - please don’t delay in sharing your thoughts about our plans to help your Parish and our Diocese to grow and thrive. Thank you.