koja se trebala održati za 2021. godinu
je otkazana zbog COVID-19
Budući da su se nastavile mjere opreznosti zbog COVID-19 i zbog zabrinutosti za svačije zdravlje, donešena je odluka da će se otkazati misa za godišnjicu braka koja je trebala biti u lipnju 2021. Biskup Crosby bi, unatoč tome, htio čestitati svima koji slave 25. 40. 50. ili 60. plus obljetnicu braka 2021. godine. Stoga se možete prijaviti koristeći link ispod ovoga teksta i primit ćete potvrdu koju bi inače primili.
Ovo je godišnja misa za parove koji slave 25. 40. 50. ili 60. plus obljetnicu braka!
http://crm.hamiltondiocese.com/registermass/ weddinganniversary.aspx
Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass
As the restrictions from COVID-19 continue and for the safety of all concerned, a decision has been made to cancel the annual Anniversary Mass scheduled for June of 2021. Bishop Crosby would still love to offer congratulations to all those who will be married 25, 40, 50, 60 and 60 plus years in 2021, so you will be able to register your anniversary via the link below, and we will send you the certificate you would have received if the Mass had gone ahead.
This is an annual Mass for couples celebrating their 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th or 60th plus Wedding Anniversary!
http://crm.hamiltondiocese.com/registermass/ weddinganniversary.aspx